How to Book last-minute flight deals?


Booking last-minute flight deals is easier than you think! Follow these steps for the best chance at snagging a great deal:
  1. Be Flexible: Keep your travel dates and destination flexible for better deals.
  2. Set Alerts: Sign up for fare alerts from airlines and travel websites.
  3. Check Multiple Websites: Compare prices on multiple websites like IndianEagle
  4. Use Airline Miles: Utilize your frequent flyer miles or credit card points for discounts.
  5. Check Social Media: Follow airlines on social media for exclusive deals.
  6. Call the Airline: Sometimes, calling the airline directly can lead to better last-minute deals.
  7. Consider Alternative Airports: Check nearby airports for cheaper options.
  8. Travel Light: Be prepared to travel with carry-on luggage only for added savings.With these tips, you'll be on your way to booking the perfect last-minute getaway without breaking the bank