Our forum4travel forum software has been updated, and now supports Progressive Web App.
What is PWA?
PWA provides the benefits of a downloadable app. Features include:
Work offline
High performance
Background processing in service workers in a separate thread
Support for push notifications
An icon on the phone‘s home screen
When viewing forum4travel using the Chrome browser or Android operating system, just click on the + icon shown in the address bar to get the forum4travel Progressive Web App installed.
Apple PWA now available - Just click on the Share button at the bottom of the page to install the forum4travel PWA app
What is PWA?
PWA provides the benefits of a downloadable app. Features include:
Work offline
High performance
Background processing in service workers in a separate thread
Support for push notifications
An icon on the phone‘s home screen
When viewing forum4travel using the Chrome browser or Android operating system, just click on the + icon shown in the address bar to get the forum4travel Progressive Web App installed.
Apple PWA now available - Just click on the Share button at the bottom of the page to install the forum4travel PWA app


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