How can I get good quality and cheap air tickets when travelling abroad from India?


There are several ways to find good quality and cheap air tickets when traveling abroad from India. Here are some tips:

  1. Book in advance: Booking your tickets well in advance can often help you find cheaper airfare. Try to book at least a few months before your travel dates.
  2. Be flexible with your travel dates: If you have the flexibility to travel on different dates, you can often find better deals on airfare. Try searching for flights on different days of the week or during off-peak travel seasons.
  3. Use price comparison websites: There are many websites such as Indian Eagle, Skyscanner, Kayak, and Expedia that allow you to compare prices from multiple airlines and travel agencies. These websites can help you find the cheapest airfare for your travel dates.
  4. Sign up for alerts: Many airlines and travel websites offer email alerts for flight deals and discounts. Sign up for these alerts to receive notifications about the latest deals and promotions.
  5. Look for budget airlines: There are many budget airlines that offer cheaper airfare than traditional airlines. Examples of budget airlines include AirAsia, IndiGo, and SpiceJet. However, it's important to note that budget airlines may have additional fees for things like baggage, seat selection, and food.
  6. Consider alternative airports: Sometimes flying from a different airport can save you money. For example, if you're traveling to Europe, consider flying from Delhi instead of Mumbai.
  7. Use travel credit cards: Some credit cards offer rewards and discounts on airfare purchases. Check with your bank to see if they offer any travel rewards credit cards.
By following these tips, you can increase your chances of finding good quality and cheap air tickets when traveling abroad from India.

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