Beware of Thieves at Geneva Airport


New Member
My wife and I arrived at Geneva Airport a few days ago. We proceeded to the train station ticket office to purchase the Swiss pass. To see an attendant you need to take a number and wait your turn. There are a few chairs in the waiting area where we sat with our luggage next to us. When my turn came I went to the counter to purchase my tickets. After purchasing the tickets and returning to the waiting area, where my wife was seated, I discovered my small carry on bag had been stolen. It disappeared in the blink of an eye from right next to my wife and in the middle of the ticket office. I ran around the station like a mad man looking for anybody but the thief had gone. The bag had everything from my laptop, credit cards, cash, keys... you name it. The only thing it didn't have were our passports (Thank God) which I needed to purchase the tickets. We went to the police station inside the airport and filed a report, but have heard nothing since then. I have made it my mission to advise as many people as possible on every forum possible, who are thinking of travelling to Geneva, to beware of this. Apparently this issue is common in Geneva as I have since read a few warnings on some government websites. Switzerland is a beautiful country which we have visited nearly every year for the last 15 years. This experience has totally changed my attitude to safety and travel. Thieves can be anywhere (even Switzerland!) so please everybody take very good care of your personal belongings and don't let them out of your sight for a second.